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Dear member, welcome to Module 8. 

Keywords - Deep Ecology, Ecocentrism, Modulation, Motion, Audio Signatures, Mutual Aid, Resilience, Common Tendencies.  Everything is interconnected here. Dive in and have fun!




Deep Ecology. A philosophy or call it a 'universal deal' that unites people with Nature. A "universal council" regardless of our ethnic, social or economic background. In deep ecology we find " intrinsic worth of all living beings and humans as one of the many strands in the tapestry of life". A coherent and ecological response for all human beings, envisioned by Norwegian ecologist Arne Naess.

Deep Ecology is a philosophy. Pathways that find new meaning to life.

Our host planet has been polluted, destroyed and hollowed out by infinite growth. By infinite desire to gain more power and property. Both human and non-human entities are at risk of extinction, in the near term future because of such insane acceleration, of everything. Deep Ecology, as  a path forward, that not only provides community and therapy, but also an experiential process, mutual aid and sustainable cultures. Develop an 'ecological sense' of the self. Appropriate the perspective, values and practices that sync with care and limits, according to the carrying capacity of the ecosystem that you belong to.

Work That Reconnects! You to Nature, human and non-human entities.

Deep Ecology places life above technology and technological determinism. Without doubt, there has to be a shift (transition) from human-centered Anthropocentrism to Ecocentrism. Every living thing has to be recognized as having inherent value, regardless of its utility, numbers and place. Second, that humans are part of Nature, not any superior or apart from it. Deep ecology is commitment to a regenerative life.


Deep Ecology equates to a spiritual quest​. Realization of the self, kindred to living planet.

The kindred is based on empathy, planetary justice, limits, science and mutual aid. Visual​ize your life as a rising spiral, instead of a vertical line or exponential curve. ​Stage​s that flow naturally to the next. ​Depicted as an open spiral, deep ecology ​is a process​ that changes us, makes us resilient as individuals and as members of a given community. The first step, is to reflect on what all that​ you are grateful for​​? This process quiets the frantic mind and body, initiating a transition that grounds us. Nature and human culture. Do they conform?


Over time, it becomes clear ​as to how social justice​, care for the environment ​and the quality of life are intertwined.​ We begin to question and remap profession and lifestyle,​ now defined by Nature and 'biophysical limits' and not by technology or economic gains. ​Empathy for all living beings and limits defined by your real needs. Chances are, as of now your needs are defined by external non-natural conditions. ​Deep Ecology is not about the big or the great, but what all is ecologically sane, loving and sustainable.


Deep Ecology And The Artist

‘Deep ecology and the artist’ is a two part video narrative, featuring two artists based in Goa, in a state of transition. As individuals who recognize Nature as a “indispensable common ground” for all human and non-human activities. Filmed around Moira river (north Goa), the landscape, fauna and life-giving systems, assimilate a set of biocentric and spiritual opinions, contrary to chauvinistic ‘homocentrism’ and technological determinism. It is ‘deep ecology’ that provides “conscious expressions and actions”.




The universe is not static but an ever evolving dynamic modulation. Cosmic motion, of an infinite variety and magnitude. From a sub-atomic level to the biggest waves in the ocean to interplanetary forces, are all modulating. Swaying, pushing, pulling and even dancing! Every living organism that makes audible (and inaudible) sounds, can be identified by its 'signature modulation'.  The invisible information that is embedded within each modulation, be it organic or mechanical or electronic provides us with points of reference, be they temporal or continuous.

Is it a baby or a cat? Is it a dog or a wolf? Is it a parrot or a sparrow? Is it the wind or the river? Is it a guitar or an ukulele. Is that a grand piano or an electric Wurlitzer? Is it a frog or a synthesizer? We identify sounds not just from memory but also because of the unique 'autographs' within each source. Values such as pitch, duration, volume, tone, harmony, distance etc can all be subject to continuous modulation. The slightest shift can be taken as modulation, one that evokes a new interpretation and curiosity.


A group of musicians can be heard inter-modulating, similar to the synchronous flow of virtual instruments within a sequencer. Without modulation it would be impossible to create structured or linear music. Even noise is subject to modulation.


A song can be understood as a set of unique modulations. Words modulate as lyrics. A singer modulates her or his voice in ways which make their voice unique (and special). In that same spirit, we can place signature modulations within our music, which in turn adds to the identity (and character) of our music.


The slide above is a general mapping of modulation. However, within music and synthesis, the aspect of modulation provides us with a wide range of creative tools and possibilities. Modulators inside synthesizers can alter a given sound, as continuous improvisation of one or several parameters. Equates to having so many hands instead of just two. While conventional music and audio engineering uses modulation on volume, pitch and spatial placement, a creative musician should explore deeper, to place signatures (modulations) within her or his music, be it live, composed or as improvisation.

Listen to the four short audio samples, as types of modulations and the consequent harmonic character of the sound. For simplicity sake, we modulate common parameters like frequency, filter, tuning, pulse-width, attack, decay and release. The results are clearly diverse.

Sawtooth Buzz
Dramatic Fall

We encourage you to delve deeper into the world of modulation. On one level, the process of modulation is simply a change from one note to another. One chord or scale to another. Yet on a general level, modulation is a play between many simultaneous changes, that we can embed into sound and music. Random or gradual. Changes which evoke emotional responses from the creator or the listener.

Exploring deeper into the myriad aspects of modulation, check out the links below. The idea is to up your skills to create signature sounds, visualize tones, appreciate harmonic change and create diversity within your music. You modulate?





Building blocks to higher autonomy. Stronger Community!

Akin to what Goethe insisted as “parental feelings” - one that exists within almost every living creature, equates to care for the progeny as well as the surrounding community. The Darwinian logic of “bitter struggle for existence… survival of the fittest” is not visible within many species of birds, animals and amphibians, facing extreme conditions inside degraded ecosystems.

Autonomy is directly linked to mutual aid. The 'natural history' of mutual aid is akin to evolutionary practice. Mutual Aid can be viewed as part of the conscience. At SEED, we believe that mutual aid is crucial for the very survival of human beings in the near future.  We are well aware that love, sympathy, sharing and mutual aid possess immense value in terms of survival and quality of life. For who? All those who support each other in the struggle for life.

Sadly we live in a globalized techno-industrial world, which champions individualism, hyper-competitive careers, infinite growth and money. Which makes us modern human beings even less sentient, as a species about our own security and survival. Because we have universally opted for values based on technology and aspirations based on individual freedom instead of non-material prosperity and mutual aid, there lies a big price within the deal. We must evolve, beyond self-serving ideas and convictions,  of infinite material growth and personal redemption.


Mutual aid in it’s modern form is at the heart of anarchist practice and philosophy, as much as leading public movements of the 19th, 20th and 21st century - such as the Suffragists, Feminists, Labor Unions, Black Civil Rights, Anti-Apartheid, BDS, Occupy Movement, Anti-Nuclear Weapons, Earth Liberation Front, Black Bloc and many more. In spite of rising violence and persecution, indigenous people allover the world practice diverse forms of mutual aid and mutually planned resistance.


Thousands of small front-line organizations fighting for justice are also an outcome mutual solidarity. Women of all races have shown us amazing examples of mutual aid and resilience through the ages. Hence, at the heart of mutual aid is the clan, call it an institution or dynamic group which we know has existed since the so called savages, barbarians and primitives did.


A clan that not only presupposes the importance of survival but also poses a considerable challenge to top-down forms of governance and consequent forms of tyranny. Mutual aid, is an extension of an embedded law within Nature. Indeed society is something based on mutual agreement and aid, that precedes the individual. But man is no exception in Nature. From an ecologically sane point of view, the best chances of survival are for those who best support each other in the struggle for life.


You are here, because you care about the planet. We are open to all the potentialities that 'nest in the spirit' of the individual. What about you? If you wish to collaborate or volunteer, just send us an email outlining what you have in mind.

We will respond real soon 💚


End of Module#8 by SEED. Open source learning experience.

Created by Applied Sound & Ecology. 2024


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New Delhi, India.

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