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ECOLOGY is a vast area of learning, rehabilitation and celebration! A resilient and well informed individual makes better long term decisions, leading towards a steady state. That 'More is always worth more' is not a natural state. Today's ecology is also about divesting from the old maxims of capital, energy and wealth accumulation. This page contains open-source books, types of activism, emerging science and ways to define our place inside the ecosystem.
The big facts based on science.
1. Climate change cannot be addressed as a stand-alone problem.
2. It is part of a larger systemic fallacy - leading us to a poly-crisis world.
3. The techno-centric civilization is an outcome of cheap labor and energy.
4. We have exceeded, way beyond the regenerative capacity of the living planet.
5. Consequently, ecosystems are loosing resilience, to deal with stress, loss and disorder.
Now, in the 2020s, the Great Acceleration is losing steam and shows signs of reversing direction. Thought leaders and policy think tanks have invented a new word—polycrisis—to refer to the tangles of global environmental and social dilemmas that are accumulating, mutually interacting, and worsening. The central claim of this report is that the polycrisis is evidence that humanity is entering what some have called the Great Unraveling—a time of consequences in which individual impacts are compounding to threaten the very environmental and social systems that support modern human civilization. The Great Unraveling challenges us to grapple with the prospect of a far more difficult future, one of mutually exacerbating crises—some acute, others chronic—interacting across environmental and social systems in complex ways, at different rates, in many places, and with different results.
" Cities as engines of economic growth; centers of commerce; seats of government; the loci of great universities and well-springs of arts and culture. Cities are, indeed, all of these things simultaneously – but something is missing. Not many urban dwellers or even urban scholars think first of cities as biophysical entities subject to the same natural laws and con- straints as all other complex living systems.
This is a serious failing. The capacity of cities to function in their myriad ways depends utterly on the integrity of their biophysical relationships..."